AEL (Aberdeen) Limited will hold and process any personal information, which you provide to us on this web site in order to facilitate and enhance the services, which we provide. |
AEL (Aberdeen) Limited will hold and process any personal information, which you provide to us on this web site in order to facilitate and enhance the services, which we provide. |
Hyper-links We may provide hyper-links from our web site to web sites of third parties. Please note that this privacy statement applies only to the contents of our web site and not to those web sites to which we may provide a link. |
Information requests and updates Please be assured that AEL (Aberdeen) Limited is happy, on request from you, to provide details of any personal information which you have provided us with (this may be at a small charge) and/or to cease to make use of your personal information for the above mentioned purposes. |
As we take the issue of protecting your personal data seriously, we follow strict storage and disclosure procedures which means that we may occasionally require proof of identity from you prior to disclosing such information. |
So that AEL (Aberdeen) Limited may provide you with an optimum service and comply with its obligations under UK Data Protection legislation, we would be grateful if you could please contact us if any personal information which you have provided to us becomes inaccurate or out of date. |
Security As you may be aware, no data transmission over the Internet can be entirely secure. As a result, while we will always use reasonable endeavours to protect the personal information you provide to us, we cannot guarantee the security of your information and the use of our facilities (e.g. e-mail) is at your own risk. |
Changes to this policy We pride ourselves on keeping up to the minute in terms of the advances in technology and legal developments. As these areas are changing at an ever increasing rate, we request that you refer to our web site on a regular basis in order to ensure that you are aware of our most recent Policies and Terms and Conditions. |